20 March 2025

It’s all in the data: Consumer smartwatch vs. medical device

Typical consumer wearables have been designed to help encourage the general wellness of their wearers, and are increasingly beginning to advertise advanced health-tracking capabilities. On ...
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18 March 2025

🎥 New TIMESPAN Masterclass: Understanding Cardiovascular Risks in ADHD Using Registers

How does ADHD medication affect cardiovascular health? What can real-world data teach us about long-term risks? In our latest TIMESPAN Masterclass, Prof. Dr. @Henrik Larsson and Dr. @Zheng ...
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11 April 2025

TIMESPAN Event: Invitation

🔸 TIMESPAN cordially invites you to a unique event exploring ADHD and co-occurring health conditions 🔸Join us for "New Vantage Points in ADHD, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic Health: Whe...
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🇬🇧 English
ADHD genetic risk and somatic health conditions
Higher ADHD genetic risk was linked to an increased risk of conditions like heart failure, vascular disease, obesity, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and migraines. These associations were partly mediated by factors like education, body mass index, tobacco use, and alcohol misuse.

🇪🇸 Español
Riesgo genético de TDAH y enfermedades somáticas
Un mayor riesgo genético de TDAH se vinculó a un aumento del riesgo de condiciones como insuficiencia cardíaca, enfermedades vasculares, obesidad, diabetes tipo 1, artritis reumatoide y migrañas. Estas asociaciones fueron parcialmente mediadas por factores como la educación, el índice de masa corporal, el consumo de tabaco y el abuso de alcohol.

🇩🇪 Deutsch:
Genetisches ADHS-Risiko und somatische Erkrankungen
Ein höheres genetisches Risiko für ADHS war mit einem erhöhten Risiko für Erkrankungen wie Herzinsuffizienz, Gefäßerkrankungen, Adipositas, Typ-1-Diabetes, rheumatoider Arthritis und Migräne verbunden. Diese Zusammenhänge wurden teilweise durch Faktoren wie Bildungsstand, Body-Mass-Index, Tabakkonsum und Alkoholmissbrauch bedingt.

🇸🇪 Svenska:
Genetiskt ADHD-risk och somatiska sjukdomar
Högre genetisk risk för ADHD var kopplat till en ökad risk för tillstånd som hjärtsvikt, vaskulär sjukdom, fetma, typ 1-diabetes, reumatoid artrit och migrän. Dessa samband medierades delvis av faktorer som utbildning, kroppsmassindex, tobaksbruk och alkoholmissbruk.

🇳🇱 Nederlands:
Genetisch ADHD-risico en somatische aandoeningen
Hoger genetisch risico op ADHD hing samen met een verhoogd risico op aandoeningen zoals hartfalen, vaatziekten, obesitas, type 1 diabetes, reumatoïde artritis en migraine. Deze associaties werden deels gemedieerd door factoren zoals opleiding, BMI, tabaksgebruik en alcoholmisbruik.

🇨🇳 中文

Reference: Garcia-Argibay M, du Rietz E, Lu Y, et al. The role of ADHD genetic risk in mid-to-late life somatic health conditions. Transl Psychiatry 12, 152 (2022).


Emerging evidence points at a significant association and shared genetic traits between adult attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cardiometabolic conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, which, when inadequately treated, can lead to adverse outcomes and significant costs for society. Various national guidelines on cardiometabolic disease already highlight the importance of concurrent psychiatric disorders, but there is a lack of knowledge around ADHD. This is problematic given that ADHD is a common, serious, and complex chronic condition among adults. This is where TIMESPAN steps in, fostering improvements in risk stratification and of the treatments for patients with ADHD who also have a cardiometabolic disease.

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  • Determine if and how ADHD in adults worsens prognosis and hampers the management of cardiometabolic disease, leveraging the largest data sets and population registries available world-wide.
  • Identify the cardiometabolic risks and benefits of multidisciplinary treatment approaches in patients with ADHD, performing advanced pharmacological and epidemiological analyses on available data as well as  acquiring new and unique real-world data using active and passive apps for smartphones and a groundbreaking new advanced smartwatch for continuous health monitoring.
  • Pinpoint reasons for ADHD treatment discontinuity in adult patients with and without cardiometabolic disease. Capitalizing on so far unused real-world clinician’s data through new algorithms, created utilizing Machine Learning (ML) and natural language processing techniques in conjunction with using state-of-the-art genomic approaches.
  • Discern patients with ADHD at high-risk for poor cardiometabolic outcomes and treatment discontinuity by applying novel AI driven methods like deep learning neural networks (DLNNs) on existing large-scale cohort  studies and linked electronic health record databases in multiple countries with different health care systems.
  • Identify optimized and personalized treatment approaches across multiple disciplines, to minimize harm and maximize positive changes in disease prognosis and to improve treatment discontinuity.
  • Improve clinical outcomes, as well as quality of life in adult ADHD patients with co-occurring cardiometabolic disease.