University of Tartu
Team Leader
Team Staff
Institute Presentation
The focus of the Institute of Genomics (IG) at UTARTU is to understand the role of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors in health and disease. The IG hosts the Estonian Biobank, a large population-based biobank with ca 200,000 individuals (20% of adult population in Estonia) with rich questionnaire- and electronic health record data with over 15 years of follow-up.
Research groups of pharmaco- and neuropsychiatric genomics (involved in TIMESPAN) focus on investigating the genetic effects related to drug metabolism and adverse drug reaction, as well as genetic mechanisms related to common psychiatric disorders and comorbidities between psychiatric and cardiometabolic disorders. In addition, the groups work towards developing prediction tools for personalized medicine in psychiatry.
Our role in TIMESPAN is to contribute with the Estonian Biobank data and expertise in neuropsychiatric genetics, genomics and genetic epidemiology.