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The University of Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong

Team Leader

Prof. Patrick Ip

Clinical Professor
+(852) 22554090
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Team Staff

Dr. Rosa Wong

Project Manager
+(852) 28198065
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Keith Tung

Research coordinator
+(852) 28198521
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Janet Chan

Administrative officer
+(852) 22554090
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Institute Presentation

Since its inception, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has been dedicated to delivering positive impact, both academically and socially, and continues endeavouring to do so today through internationalization, innovation and interdisciplinarity. As both its predecessor and constituent, the LKS Faculty of Medicine (HKUMed) aspires to be a global leader in the research and discovery of health and has remained committed to its historic roots in the nurturing of healthcare professionals.

The Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (UPAM) has been committed to safeguarding the health and well-being of children and youth, with great emphasis on scientific research and community engagement. Our researchers actively undertake research in a wide spectrum of areas, working together to constantly advance our standard of care for our youngsters.

HKU will lead WP7 (Ethics and Data Management) and will ensure the Consortium adherence to national and EU regulations on research ethics and data management for the proposed work. Furthermore, we will provide clinical expertise and Hong Kong local data necessary and complementary to the goals of TIMESPAN.