University College London
Team Leader
Team Staff
Institute Presentation
UCL is one of the largest universities in the UK which encompasses two of the leading medicines for children research institutes: UCL School of Pharmacy (UCLSoP) and UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (ICH). These institutes offer research expertise ranging from basic formulation to postmarketing surveillance in medicines for children. The UCLSoP has been a centre of excellence in paediatric drug delivery and paediatric medication research. The School has been a coordinator/partner in the EU-FP6, FP7, IMI2 funded projects. UCL will be involved in WPs 2, 7, 8 and 9, contributing by providing access to the UK database (CPRD), the expertise in the neurodevelopmental disorders, pharmacoepidemilogy and the related methodology, expertise in handling the UK data, development of data management plan, and dissemination.