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Universitetet i Bergen

Universitetet i Bergen

Team Leader

Prof. Kari Klungsøyr

+47 55 58 85 35
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Team Staff

Prof. Jan Haavik

+47 55 58 64 32
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Prof. Anders Engeland

Senior Researcher
+47 55 58 61 27
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Siv Johnsen Eggereide

Economic advicer and financial coordinator
+47 55 58 68 43
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Janne Mannseth

+47 55 58 85 43
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Institute Presentation

IGS undertakes research and research training in a wide spectrum of disciplines including epidemiology, ethics, general practice, statistics and several more. The Department also hosts a number of Centres, e.g. Centre for International Health, and is now establishing a Centre for Translational Epidemiology. The Department has seven Sections, which again contain different Research groups.

The Section for Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, which also houses the Core Facility for Biostatistics and Data Analysis, is participating in TIMESPAN.

IGS will be in lead of WP3 (treatment continuity/discontinuity), and also participate in WP1, WP2 and WP7 (Ethics and Data Management).

At the Department of Biomedicine, education and research center on the biological mechanisms of human health and disease. We investigate molecular disease mechanisms and use our knowledge to develop new diagnostic tools and therapies. Our broad spectrum of expertise covers the topics of cancer, neuroscience, physiology, protein biology, nanotechnology, neuropsychiatric disorders, and cell biology. IBM will take part in WP3 (treatment continuity/discontinuity), WP1 and WP2.